Ever fancied being a 3D programmer. Mandarin Software was challenged to come up with a playable demo game created using the new version of STOS 3D which would demonstrate the ease of use and flexibility that has turned STOS Basic into the most popular programming language on th e ST
To really turn the screw, they were given just two days to do it in! Mutant Caterpillars is the result, showing what a competent programmer can do in such a short space of time.
Plug in a good joystick and double click on CATA.PRG for some amazing 3D Action.
The object of the game is to prevent the mutant caterpillars - the funny looking red things with cheerful faces - from reaching the 3D village infront of you. You can navigate around the village using the joystick controls and blast any caterpillar within range using the FIRE button.
The background can be toggled off to suit your preference using the F1 function key, as can the radar (the series of small dots in the lower left-hand corner of the screen) using the F2 key.